My Little City Blog

Nights and days pass in Gotham. Each area is distinct and posing its own reality…coffee shop, pizza parlor, and dry cleaners…all the same but different…in that they create many different realities. This blog is my reality.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Greystone Hotel

First Place I lived in NYC

There are those times when I reflect on life and what it’s brought me. And to be honest, I always feel very blessed. I suppose there are times I wish I could have a few more things, but to be very honest with you, I’m very happy with my life and those things I do desire are very materialistic (in the end I can't them with me). I have an awesome family and friends, a job that pays, and I have my health. Can anyone ask for anything more? In any case, the other night I was on the town and walking by the first place I ever lived in NYC…wow! Talk about throwbacks to who I was and where I've been.

I once read that we should pay homage to all our old apartments in the city. I mean think of all the stories they can share about us if apartments could talk. I don’t know, maybe after passing the Old Greystone I remembered all the people who have graced my life in this city. There are too many to name here, as I’m sure there are for everyone reading. Yet, I think the city presents this rare opportunity to meet people from all over the world who speak different languages and dialects of English at that. I don't know, maybe I just wanted to tell the city thanks and my old apts. thanks and this is my little way of doing it. I can go on and on in a rant about how great NYC is and how it's home to this person and that person, but that's already been done. I just think sometimes we need to sit and think for 5 minutes of how far we have come in this rat race when we so very rarely have time to reflect or enjoy ourselves and our lives.

In closing, I think we should all go and take pictures of the old places we have lived at for memory sake. That’s my challenge to you for your blog and to tell a story that you distinctly remember about that place. I hope all is well and can we have a moment of silence for all our old apartments and that little bit of our old selves we left behind and the new us that we discovered.


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