Soul Mates In The City
How fake is that Tom “I’m Gay” Cruise? In an interview he states about Katie Holmes, she loves to do everything I do, she is smart, and she is my soul mate.
What the fook?
I was talking to Pauly (Katie’s number uno fan) about this. I was thinking of that stupid ass soul-mate thing. Who says such stupid-ass crap like that?
I was running in Central Park the other day and some girl ridding her bike looks over at her fooken girl biker friend and says, “He's so different, I think he could be the one.” I'm like, bit*h, you are ugly and ride a bike in the city around the park like if you are in the fooken Tour de France...another thing, don't you think you would have given up on saying that after the last three dudes that slept with you and left you.
O.K. crazy rant but girls are making this term so damn cheap when I do believe that there are times that people are made for one another. Yet, I really do wish I could get a dime for every time I have heard this remark...yes, I would be a very rich man.
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