My Little City Blog

Nights and days pass in Gotham. Each area is distinct and posing its own reality…coffee shop, pizza parlor, and dry cleaners…all the same but different…in that they create many different realities. This blog is my reality.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Keeping it Local

I tend to be one of those individuals who promotes local stores in my community and thus, I try and spend my check there. You have to remember, there was a time when Harlem wasn’t so hip and the community needed every dollar it could garner from its locals. Now, well now we have coffee shops and good restaurants to boot.

One thing that has always stayed constant in my spending has been the local watering holes. They have always been there and they are one’s that I enjoy visiting most out of all the city bars. I hit a few local watering holes this Friday with “El Rey” we just went to grab a few beers. After talking a bit to a couple of females at the asked me how old I was. I tried my good old 26 year old lie...and for the first time I had bullshit called on me. I tried to convince her with another round of lies but she wasn’t going for it. As we walked out the bar El Rey looked at me and said, you should have tried 28. Nuff said.


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