Satnight Oct. 15th
So it’s Saturday and I remember that “My Lawyer” is coming in from DC to party. What can I say; if you party like a wild man you are bound to get a lawyer who does the same. (No cocaine jokes here please…haha!). So my lawyer is giving me shite to get ready to party and I’m thinking after my bender with The General and KGB the night before it might be hard to duplicate such a drinking performance. My liver and body are screaming at me for putting them through such a night after the many times I have promised them no repeat performances.
I hit the UCLA game v. WSU and watch us squeak out a close win versus a cheap ass team. We won and in the end that’s all that matters. Yes, that’s right folks…the Bruins are 6-0 this year and ranked number 9 in the nation…are we for real?
Given the fact that I was up until 7:00 am the night before I’m wondering how the body will hold up because I know The Lawyer has come to the city to party-party. Hit home and change really quick. Make some last minute calls and I’m off again to hit the town and paint it red. Hit the local Bodega for my rum and coke mix I always drink on the train know, a little pick-me-up for the road. I get off the train the venue has been moved…I’m pissed because it’s a last minutes move. Not to mention, I told people to show-up to spot number one and this doesn’t look good on my behalf. To top it off my phone goes dead. Now I’m really up the creek without a paddle.
Show up to the new location and see The Lawyer chillin out. Then I see the silky smooth brother, Shell…what can I say, it’s a party night already and we are barley getting into the spot. There is lots of eye candy at this spot with the waitresses being the best looking of the group. End up getting like 4 bottles of liquor and it’s on. About 5 vodkas later I’m flying high-high. Then they are closing down the club because it’s 4:00 am. What can I say, you dance all night and you’re done drunk…well the time passes by rather quickly.
We decided to hit Gray’s Papaya on W. 72nd to call it a night and it’s like 4:30 am and I’m tired as hell. We crash out at a rented spot for the night The Lawyer has gotten for the weekend.
Yes, just another weekend in the NYC.